Have you ever wondered what drives your sense of power, determination, and self-worth? At the core of these vital aspects of personality is the Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, known as the ‘lustrous gem’ of our energetic system. Situated in the solar plexus area, this chakra is the fiery source of personal power and the seat of the ego and will. But what makes the Solar Plexus Chakra so crucial for personal transformation, and how can we activate its potential to truly transform our lives? This article delves into the dynamics of the third chakra, exploring how it fuels our actions and governs our energy transformation.
The Solar Plexus Centre
Manipura, meaning ‘lustrous gem’ as it shines bright like the sun, is the third chakra, located in the solar plexus area. Its symbol is a lotus with ten petals. It is a fiery, solar chakra bringing us light, warmth, energy, and power. It represents our ‘get up and go’, our actions, our will, and our vitality.
The purpose of this chakra is transformation. Just as fire transforms matter into heat and light, the third chakra transforms the passive elements of earth and water into dynamic energy and power.
Earth and water flow downward subject to gravity and fire moves upwards destroying form and taking the raw energy of matter to a new dimension of heat and light. It is the fire of our will that propels the movement upwards through the seven chakras. It is through our will that we liberate ourselves from fixed patterns and create new behavior. As we take action, we begin to transform.

The Power of Sunlight on the Solar Plexus
‘The sun is a primary example of transformational fire – a macrocosmic third chakra. The sun produces heat and light through nuclear fusion. Its heat is so extreme that the hydrogen nuclei are propelled into each other with enough force to overcome their mutually repelling electrical charges and fuse into slightly less massive helium nuclei. The difference in mass is converted to pure energy, which generates more heat and movement.’ (A Judith)
Spending time in sunlight intensifies the activation of our solar plexus. The light of the sun is essential to our body, it creates unique chemical reactions that balance our hormones and nutrients within our body and help our immune system. Light from the sun also activates different areas of our brains and produces different types of neurotransmitters that can affect our mood.
Driving Forces of the Solar Plexus
The chakras are all interdependent facets of a unified field of consciousness. They do not act separately. In the same way, we cannot separate energy from movement and mass, they are inseparable qualities of our physical world. The first three chakras represent a trinity of fundamental principles that regulate our physical bodies and all matter. We need a supply of energy to have power and we need will to direct this power.
Fire is the spark of life that ignites will to action. Fire in our bodies keeps us warm, active, and energized. Fire is radiant so the third chakra is yang and active. When afraid or feeling powerless we withdraw and become more passive and yin. When we block our own power and expression we are withdrawn and can appear cold and controlled
Power comes from the Latin ‘podere’ to be able and has the same meaning as Shakti from the root ‘shak’ ‘to be able.’ Shakti is our primordial energy field, ignited and given form by the spark of Shiva. Our life energy needs to be directed by consciousness to make use of it with any true sense of power. Power is dependent on the upper chakras as well as the lower ones.
Humanity's Evolutionary Shift to the Heart Chakra
It is said that humanity is currently at the level of solar plexus in our evolution and we are transitioning to the heart chakra. In order to make this transition, we need to change our concept of power to one that enhances, empowers, and strengthens rather than using it to dominate and control others. Our world today emphasizes ‘separation’ rather than inclusion and co-operation. The true strength of any group or organism depends on its solidarity and ability to combine its forces.
The Significance of Will
Will is consciously controlled change. It is the means by which we overcome lower chakra inertia and activate the essential spark that ignites the flames of our power. Will is the combination of mind and action, the conscious direction of desire through which we create our future. At times we may feel like a victim, powerless and unable to take action. Feeling this powerlessness and pain can help put us in touch with our needs and become fuel for our will.
Accessing the power of our solar plexus means letting go of seeing ourselves as victims and realizing that change can only come from our own efforts. Rather than blaming others and hoping they will change, we need to take back responsibility and understand changes come from our own will. We can learn to regard each challenge as an opportunity to awaken our highest potential. While we cannot always control what happens to us, we can control what we do about it.
Overcoming Inertia and Harnessing Will
The task of the will is to overcome inertia. Simple lethargy or laziness is an example of inertia at rest. Once we get up, our muscles oxidize and our heart pumps and we have more energy. Energy begets energy through the creation of momentum and it is the will that begins this process.
Feeling powerless is not due to lack of will, but failure to recognize and connect with our unconscious use of the will. When we tell ourselves we ‘have’ to do something then we take away our ability to actively choose to do something.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E Frankl
Will is often associated with discipline, control, and manipulation. In order for our will to be engaged we must also be in touch with our desires. Discipline is important here. In an act of discipline, there is a certain transcendence of feelings – we may not feel like doing something but those feelings become irrelevant when our will is fixed to a larger purpose. In this way, the third chakra is fueled by and transcends the desires of the sacral chakra.
Knowledge of the will comes from a deeper sense of purpose born from who we are, what we love, and our unique talents. Each of us has a purpose and our ultimate will is to fulfill that purpose.
Building Self-Esteem through the Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus attributes of power, will, vitality and self-discipline are based on self-esteem. When our self-esteem is high we are confident, assertive, proactive, disciplined, and excited about life. When self-esteem is low, we are doubtful and full of self-recrimination and may end up in a state of inertia.
Shame is the opposite of self-esteem. It blocks the flow of energy from the root and brings in constricting mental energy from above so the energy turns against the self. Self-esteem comes from a realistic sense of the self. Initially, this comes from the body and physical identity giving us edges and boundaries, and then from our emotional identity, trials and errors. Our concept of self is illuminated by interactions with others and through communication we can obtain honest feedback on how others perceive us. Self-esteem forms a good foundation for opening the heart and maintaining good relationships.
Cultivating Energy: Practices for Personal Power
Power can be developed consciously through meditation and other energy practices like yoga and qi gong. As we raise energy up the spine we feel more powerful. Energy that is directed towards something that is not moving is caught up or not working. In these cases, learn to let go of attachments that no longer serve us. The more you release, the less friction there is in your energy and the lighter you become and the more you will flow through life’s journey.
Avoid invalidation or criticism particularly if you are sensitive. To overcome inertia, do something different. If you are sluggish then start to move more, if you are hyperactive then be still more often. Overcoming challenges increases strength and confidence. Going outside of your comfort zone and giving up being safe will awaken your solar plexus more quickly.
Natural Remedies for the Solar Plexus Chakra
Herbs: Milk Thistle (liver and gallbladder support), Peppermint (supports digestion), Ginger (digestion), Dandelion Root (digestion) Liquorice (gut health), Turmeric (digestion).
Homeopathy: Carbo Veg, Carduus Marianus, Chelidonium, China, Nat Sulph, Quercus (liver remedies), Anacardium, Arg Nit, Graphites, Nux Vom (gastric remedies).
Bach Flower essences: Centaury (dominated, remedy helps to become a positive and active worker), Gentian (discouragement, doubt, remedy helps with courage and faith), Larch (for self-confidence), Scleranthus (decision making).
Recommendations for Solar Plexus Health
- Notice any imbalances in your solar plexus (e.g. digestive issues/bloating) and take necessary measures e.g. natural remedies, emotional support
- Spend time in sunlight for physical and emotional benefits
- Take nourishment and rest to support your energetic needs
- Regular meditation, reflection and contemplation to help harness your willpower
- Pay more attention to yourself – energy flows where attention goes.
- Overcome inertia by trying new things and letting go of old habits
Reading and Resources
‘Wheels of Life’ by Anodea Judith
‘Eastern Body, Western Mind’ by Anodea Judith
Related: The Power of the 7 Chakras
Explore the fascinating world of the 7 chakras and unlock the secrets to balancing your mind, body, and spirit. Learn how each chakra influences your well-being, from the grounding energy of the Root Chakra to the divine connection of the Crown Chakra. Embrace the journey towards harmony and inner peace by understanding these vital energy centers.
- 1st Chakra: Root Chakra
- 2nd Chakra: Sacral Chakra
- 3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra (Current Article)
- 4th Chakra: Heart Chakra
- 5th Chakra: Throat Chakra
- 6th Chakra: Third Eye Chakra
- 7th Chakra: Crown Chakra