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The Brow Chakra: Activating Your Third Eye for Deeper Insight

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to have a natural ability for foresight, intuition, and creativity? The secret often lies within the brow chakra, also known as the third eye chakra. Located in the centre of the head behind the forehead, this chakra is associated with psychic perception and deeper understanding. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of the brow chakra, its connection to light and colour, and how you can enhance your imagination and intuition by balancing this vital energy center.

The Essence of the Brow Chakra

Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein

The brow chakra is the centre of foresight, intuition, contemplation and enlightenment. It is located in the centre of the head behind the forehead either at eye level or slightly above and is associated with the third eye, an etheric organ of psychic perception between our two physical eyes. The chakra includes an inner mental screen and a vast storehouse of images that comprise our visual thinking process. The third eye sees beyond the physical world, bringing us insight and deeper understanding.

The Sankrit name is ‘ajna’ meaning to perceive or to command. This relates to the ability to take in images through perceptions and form images from which we command our reality – creative visualisation. Holding an image in our mind increases the possibility that it will materialise.

There are only two petals of the lotus at the ajna centre. These represent the two worlds of reality: manifest and unmanifest, the intertwining Ida and Pingala that meet at this point or the two physical eyes that surround the third eye. The petals resemble wings and symbolise the ability of this chakra to transcend time and space, allowing the inner spirit to fly to distant times and places. The shape of the lotus also looks like an eye.

Exploring the properties of Third Eye Chakra Symbol Design. brow chakra

The Element of Light

The element of this chakra is Light. It corresponds to the pineal gland, a tiny cone shaped gland located in the geometric centre of the head at around eye level. It is sometimes called the seat of the soul and acts as a light meter for the body, translating variations in light to hormonal messages relayed to the body through the autonomic nervous system.

The pineal gland has a tranquilising effect on the nervous system. Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland is used as a sleeping aid and is believed to strengthen our immune system, reduce stress and slow down aging.

The Significance of Light and Colour

Visible light consists of wave packets called photons that have either wave like or particle like properties. Variations in the frequency of waves provide different colours. As light is particle-like, the photons contain information that allows us to see. Light travels fastest of all the elements we have looked at so far. It is an electromagnetic energy.

Colour is the form through which we perceive light. It is vivid in experience, rich in depth and the fabric of our seeing. Colour is produced by different wavelengths of light. Hotter colours such as reds, orange and yellow are a lower frequency than cooler colours of green, blue and violet which have a higher vibration.

The Psychological Effects of Colour

Colour has definite psychological effects. For example, red physiologically stimulates the heart and nervous system and is also associated with aggressive and initiatory energies, anger, blood, etc. Blues are associated with peace and tranquillity. Fluorescent light, which does not contain invisible ultraviolet light, has a negative impact on plants and animals. Sunlight containing the complete spectrum of light is often used for healing purposes.

There are many different forms of colour therapy. There are records of colour therapy being used in ancient Egypt. In colour therapy, coloured light is passed through stained glass windows or a prism to produce rays of light used for healing purposes. In homeopathy, there are remedies made by refracting sunlight through a prism into alcohol, isolating a colour spectrum.

Examples of the Uses of Colours

  • Red: energises or invigorates.
  • Blue: helps with depression and pain, insomnia and sleep disorders, darker shades have sedative properties.
  • Green: colour of nature, harmonising, relaxing, balancing, reduces stress.
  • Yellow: improves mood, encourages optimism.

You can wear colours to enhance the activity of a chakra e.g. yellow if you need more optimism and enthusiasm, blue for calming qualities, red for leadership.

Rainbow Spectrum of the Chakras

  • Root: Red
  • Sacral: Orange
  • Solar Plexus: Yellow
  • Heart: Green
  • Throat: Blue
  • Brow: Indigo
  • Crown: Violet

If chakras are viewed clairvoyantly, many colours are likely to be perceived as our chakra vibrations are constantly changing frequency.

Benefits of Sunlight

Sunlight increases brain’s release of serotonin, a mood enhancer, calming and focused. Darker lighting triggers melatonin which helps sleep. Low levels of serotonin can cause depression e.g. seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation causes a person’s skin to create Vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for bone health and protects against many diseases such as Covid, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, auto-immune diseases and supports immune health.

Sun gazing at sunrise (energizing) or sunset (for relaxation) is highly recommended.


Creativity starts with the ability to conceive an image. Using the screen in the third eye area, we can start to develop and expand our imagination. We can open up our channels to receive inspiration from higher dimensions.

Seeing and Clairvoyance

Through the development of visualisation and imagination, we also develop the means for clairvoyance.

When we look around we do not perceive matter, we are really seeing the light reflected by objects. We see the spaces between the objects and around them but not the actual objects. If we see red then the object absorbs all frequencies except red light. We confirm its presence by touch but can only feel the boundary of the object. We cannot see matter except through thin slices penetrable by light under a microscope or through glass and crystals.

Clairvoyance means ‘clear seeing’. This is seeing without the interference of material objects that normally define our limited sense of time and space. To be clairvoyant, one needs to look at fields of energy, not the objects themselves, to look at relationships and not things, and to see the world as a whole. The more clarity we have within ourselves the more able we are to see the subtle properties of the world around us.

According to Pibram’s model of the hologram, the brain is a holograph and our mind acts as a stage upon which visual images play. When the proper cue is given, the images appear on stage. The actors are the slides stored holographically as colours, shapes, sounds and patterns. Portions of the brain may produce qualities such as red, warm, fast or quiet, these qualities combine in unique ways to create the images we see.

The development of clairvoyance depends on the development of the visual screen. It is the ability to retrieve, create and project images onto the mental screen. Once this is done, seeing depends on asking the right questions and finding the reference points with which to find information. For example looking at a person, a drawing, or some writing, what points or relationships light up to you?

Emptying the mind of images through meditation allows us to see what images are there. Learning to focus the mind, creating one-pointedness/concentration, allows us to look deeper so we can see more. We need a clear and quiet mind and to learn to trust what we sense and see.

Natural Remedies for the Brow Chakra

HERBS: Reishi mushroom (expanding consciousness), Gotu Kola (increasing intuitive awareness), Lavender (aligning the third eye centre), Gingko Biloba (accessing ancient wisdom), CDB oil (activating pineal gland).

HOMEOPATHY: Ayahuasca (eyesight, spiritual cleansing), Tiger’s Eye (opens and balances brow chakra), Pineal Gland (renews soul connection, helps sleep).

FLOWER ESSENCES: Blue Lotus essence (enhance third eye and pineal gland function, deeper states of mediation, relaxing, lucid dreaming).


  • Practice visualisation regularly
  • Listen to and trust your intuition
  • Notice the effect of colours on your emotions, moods and physical health
  • Wear colours to enhance your mood or for relaxation
  • Chant OM at the third eye centre, AH at the throat centre and HUM at the heart to align and purify yourself.


Understanding and nurturing the brow chakra is essential for enhancing intuition, creativity, and overall mental clarity. By focusing on this vital energy centre, you can expand your imagination, deepen your insight, and develop a clearer understanding of the world around you. Incorporate practices such as visualisation, colour therapy, and meditation to balance and activate your brow chakra. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and unlock the limitless potential of your mind.

Related: The Power of the 7 Chakras

Explore the fascinating world of the 7 chakras and unlock the secrets to balancing your mind, body, and spirit. Learn how each chakra influences your well-being, from the grounding energy of the Root Chakra to the divine connection of the Crown Chakra. Embrace the journey towards harmony and inner peace by understanding these vital energy centers.


"Hi, I’m Michelle. I am passionate about natural healing, homeopathy and meditation. I qualified as a homeopath in 2009 and have a holistic practice including prescribing homeopathic remedies, flower essences, herbs, nutritional advice, lifestyle changes and meditation exercises. I believe in the importance of taking responsibility for one’s own health and helping individuals to gain more awareness about themselves and their journey to discover a more healthy lifestyle – in mind, body, and spirit."

Related: The Power of the 7 Chakras

Explore the fascinating world of the 7 chakras and unlock the secrets to balancing your mind, body, and spirit. Learn how each chakra influences your well-being, from the grounding energy of the Root Chakra to the divine connection of the Crown Chakra. Embrace the journey towards harmony and inner peace by understanding these vital energy centers.


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